Red Neon
Red Neon is an electrifying musical project created by the dynamic duo of Warren Spencer and Vasos Stavrou, long-time friends who share a passion for boundary-breaking dance music. Originating from Hertfordshire and North London, Red Neon thrives on blending a diverse array of influences, from the pulsating rhythms of ’80s synth and new wave to the groovy vibes of ’70s funk and R’n’B. Their innovative approach to music production is characterized by the inclusion of guest vocalists and musicians from around the world, allowing them to craft a sound that transcends genres and cultures. Whether it’s beach-soaked house, deep trance, or ambient soundscapes, Red Neon’s tracks are a vibrant tapestry of global musical elements. Known for creating infectious dance anthems that captivate listeners and fill dance floors, Red Neon is poised to make a lasting impact on the dance music scene.